Monday, November 25, 2013

16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence campaign to stop gender-based violence also starts today


Seminars, rallies to mark women’s day today
* This year’s theme ‘Orange the World’ focuses on wider participation from all sectors of the society

* 16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence campaign to stop gender-based violence also starts today

ISLAMABAD: The United Nations (UN) ‘International Day for Elimination of Violence against Women’ will be observed today (Monday) to raise awareness regarding violence against women around the world.

The day is an occasion for governments, international organisations and non-governmental organisations to raise public awareness around the world. To draw attention to the need for continued action for eliminating violence against women, seminars and rallies are held globally.

Several international projects are continuing to enable women to escape violence and educate people about the consequences of violence against women.

In an ongoing campaign ‘Say NO to Violence Against Women’, people are encouraged to participate in activities to discourage violence. Through the campaign, anyone can add his name to a growing movement of people who speak out to put a stop to human rights violations against women.

“Across the world, people are mobilising to stop the abuse of women and girls,” UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon said.

He said, “This is no longer just the concern of women’s organisations. More and more people realise that gender-based violence is everybody’s problem and that everybody is responsible for stopping it.”

Each year, the day concentrates on a particular theme. This year’s theme for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women is ‘Orange the World’, which focuses on wider participation from all sectors in organising national and local events.

The campaign aims at raising awareness about violence against women and creating a vision of a positive future, free of violence against women and girls.

On December 17, 1999, the UN General Assembly designated November 25 as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

Meanwhile, the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence campaign will also start today to raise awareness and trigger action on human rights violations.

For the past 22 years, the global 16-day campaign has been dedicated for the advocacy and coordination work in support of ending violence against women at local and international levels.

The dates, November 25 and December 10, were chosen to emphasise the links between ending violence against women and human rights values. The campaign aims to highlight that violence against women is an international human rights violation.

The campaign advocates for awareness and action on the multi-faceted intersections of gender-based violence and militarism, while highlighting the connection between the struggle for economic and social rights and ending violence.

Individuals and groups throughout the world use the campaign as an organising strategy to call for the elimination of all forms of gender-based violence. The Centre for Women’s Global Leadership is the global coordinator for the campaign.

This year, the theme decided for the campaign is ‘From Peace in the Home to Peace in the World: Let’s Challenge Militarism and End Violence Against Women’.

The theme focuses on militarism to form and normalise a culture of fear that is supported by the use or threat of violence, aggression as well as military intervention in response to political and social disputes or to enforce economic and political interests. app

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